

B2NOTE widget can be integrated into web application using these options:

  • embedded div and iframe within your web application, where b2note widget can be displayed.
  • pop-up window opened next to your window
  • webcomponent

Embedded DIV and IFRAME

This option integrates b2note widget directly into your web application. You can design it to disappear after it’s not needed anymore.

The following example expects:

  • mywebapp.html is hosted by your web application
  • the code will open the iframe with content hosted by b2note web application interface_main.html.

Within mywebapp.html, place the following iframe:

  <div id="b2note" style="float:right;width:30%">
    <iframe id="b2note_iframe" name="b2note_iframe" src="" style="width: 100%; height: 600px; border: 1px solid grey;"></iframe>

The <div> places the iframe and set’s it’s style to float to right. The <iframe> is empty, set’s the 1px border and height 600px.

Further in mywebapp.html you may decide that some link to a resource/file is desirable for annotation, thus place the following form:

  <form id="b2note_form_" action="https://b2note.bsc.es/interface_main.html" method="post" target="b2note_iframe" onSubmit='togglewidgeton()'>
                <input type="hidden" name="recordurl_tofeed" value='https%3A%2F%2Ftrng-b2share.eudat.eu%2Frecords%2F3894dfbf97a44e04814fb986f56c87ce' className="field left" readOnly="readonly"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="pid_tofeed" value='http%3A%2F%2Fhdl.handle.net%2F0000%2F3894dfbf97a44e04814fb986f56c87ce' className="field left" readOnly="readonly"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="subject_tofeed" value='https%3A%2F%2Ftrng-b2share.eudat.eu%2Fapi%2Ffiles%2Ff2b09dd8-a524-49e4-a7d3-100d830895b7%2FtestFile.txt' className="field left" readOnly="readonly"/>
                <input type="hidden" name="keywords_tofeed" value='' className="field left" readOnly="readonly"/>
                <input type="submit" className="btn btn-sm btn-default" value="Annotate in B2Note" title="Click to annotate file using B2Note."/>

This form just creates a button, after clicking it, it sends POST request with fields bellow and the response (html content) is then placed into the iframe with id b2note_iframe defined above.

  • subject_tofeed contains direct link to annotated resource - it is expected that this link will download the content
  • recordurl_tofeed contains container resource, e.g. landing page.
  • pid_tofeed may contain unique URL to the resource.

You can place as many as possible forms with buttons as needed - differing only in some of the fields subject_tofeed and pid_tofeed.


Web components (https://www.webcomponents.org) is standardized way to export complex web application into reusable component. B2NOTE app exports custom-elements for these components using ‘b2note-‘ prefix:

  • src/widget/b2note as <b2note-b2note targetsource="" targetid="">
  • src/pages/search as <b2note-search>
  • src/pages/home as <b2note-home>
  • src/pages/help as <b2note-help>

Further webcomponents can be exported by ammending the src/webcomponent/b2note.js and building the app.bundle.js.

Script with bundle b2note_app/dist/app.bundle.js can be used to add b2note web components into any web application or web page.

The following HTML snippet loads first the app.bundle.js script and use custom-element <b2note-b2note> with custom attributes targetid="" and targetsource="" to specify target for annotation. There is additionally button to hide the <div> containing the custom element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>B2Note web component</title>
     <script type="module" src="app.bundle.js"></script>
  <body aurelia-app="webcomponent/b2note">
  <h3>B2NOTE as web component</h3>
  <p>This is demo page for B2NOTE web component.</p>
  <div id="aucontainer2" style="float:right;width:33%">b2note-b2note
    <button onclick="document.getElementById('aucontainer2').hidden=true" title="close b2note component">x</button>
    <b2note-b2note targetsource="https://b2share.eudat.eu/records/39fa39965b314f658e4a198a78d7f6b5" targetid="http://hdl.handle.net/11304/3720bb44-831c-48f3-9847-6988a41236e1"></b2note-b2note>